321 Lives Saved in 30 Days!

June was an incredible month for LDCRF. We increased our adoptions by 120%, adopting out 321 dogs and cats, which is 176 more adoptions than last year in June! As the month ended, these numbers put us in second place for our division in the ASPCA 100KChallenge, and 8th overall – an amazing feat for a volunteer run organization! We’re very proud of the Lost Dog Family for making this happen, and we’re hoping to continue to go strong the rest of July and August.

The factors that led to our success were the volunteers who stepped up to come to more events, foster dogs and cats, and our Paws in the Street events. The Connection Newspapers highlighted some of the many wonderful volunteers that we have, and below is an excerpt from the piece, which we encourage you to check out here.


Volunteering with Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation helped Lisa Marie Czop find her place in the world when she was feeling a little, well, lost.

“When I moved back down to D.C., I was a little lost in what my adult life was supposed to look like,” she said. She knew she wanted to make a difference with animals, and when a relative found an animal to adopt through Lost Dog, she decided to sign up as a volunteer.

She has stayed with the group because “we really are the people-friendly rescue. It is simply too easy for someone to go to a pet shop and purchase an animal. LDCRF makes it easy for potential adopters to find an animal that they can welcome into their family while still keeping the well-being of our animals a top priority,” an attribute she believes sets the group apart from other organizations in the region.

Currently, Czop manages the Alexandria adoption event and helps run a transport program, in addition to working as liaison with shelters in West Virginia. Then there’s the occasional foster duty for dogs and puppies, in addition to helping out with the organization’s website and fundraisers.

“The amazing thing is, I’m just one part of this overall machine that saves thousands of lives each year,” she said. “The LDCRF volunteer team is a family, and we all bring our individual strengths together to help as many animals as possible.”

Even with a full life away from the organization, “there is nothing that can compare to the sheer joy of saving an animal from certain death in a shelter and adopting it into a wonderful loving home,” Czop said. “Volunteering with LDCRF means that I get to play a part in making a tangible difference in the lives of animals, which means that I’m serving a greater purpose with my life overall.”

Inspired? Want to join the Lost Dog Family of volunteers? Sign up today! http://bit.ly/12S23pq

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